WampServer screenshot

 WampServer is a Windows web development environment. It allows you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. Alongside, PhpMyAdmin allows you to manage easily your databases. It installs automatically all you need to start developing web applications and is very intuitive to use. You will be able to tune your server without even touching the setting files...


WampServer also has a "TrayIcon" allowing you to easily manage and configure your servers, without touching the configuration files.

With a Left click on the WampServer icon, you can:
Manage Apache and MySQL services.
switch to online/offline mode (accessible to all or limited to localhost).
Install and change version of Apache, MySQL and PHP.
Manage your server configuration settings.
Access your logs.
Access configuration files.
Create aliases..and much more.

With a Right click on the WampServer icon:
Change the menu language of WampServer.

Double click on the downloaded file and follow the instructions. Everything is managed by the WampServer installer. By default, WampServer comes with the latest versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP.
Once installed, you can manually add additional versions of Apache, PHP or MySQL (Only compiled VC9, VC10 or VC11).
Each version of Apache, MySQL, and PHP has its own configuration and files (data for MySQL).

Using WampServer:
Automatic creation of a “www” directory during the installation (typically c:\wamp\www).
Create a subdirectory for your project and drop your PHP files there
Click on the “Localhost” link from the WampServer menu or open your favorite browser, and go to http://localhost

For windows 32 bit:

Size: 327.21 MB - Download

For windows 64 bit:

Size: 644.37 MB - Download