HeidiSQL screenshot

HeidiSQL is an open-source database management tool designed for Windows, offering a user-friendly interface to manage and interact with various database systems, including MariaDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. It is known for its ease of use and a wide range of features that cater to database administrators, developers, and other professionals...

HeidiSQL is free-to-use database management tool that simplifies the process of managing and working with different database systems. It is designed for Windows and provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible to a wide range of users, from beginners to experienced database professionals.

HeidiSQL key features:

Free and Open Source: HeidiSQL is free to use for everyone and is an open-source software, which means it can be customized and extended by the community.

Multi-Server Support: You can connect to multiple database servers within a single window, making it easy to manage databases from different sources.

Supported Database Systems: HeidiSQL supports various popular database systems, including MariaDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

Command Line Access: Connect to database servers via the command line for advanced control and scripting.

Secure Connections: You can connect via SSH tunnel or configure SSL settings for secure communication with the database servers.

Schema Management: Create and edit tables, views, stored routines, triggers, and scheduled events within your databases.

SQL Export: Generate SQL exports of your database structures and data. Compress and save them, or copy them to the clipboard.

Data Transfer: Easily export data from one server or database and import it into another server or database.

User Privilege Management: Manage user privileges, roles, and permissions within the supported database systems.

Import and Export Data: Import data from text files and export table rows in various formats, including CSV, HTML, XML, SQL, LaTeX, Wiki Markup, and PHP Array.

Grid-Based Data Editing: Browse and edit table data using a comfortable grid interface.

Bulk Table Operations: Perform batch operations on tables, such as moving to a different database, changing the storage engine, and collation settings.

Bulk Data Insertion: Insert ASCII or binary files into tables in bulk.

SQL Query Editor: Write and execute SQL queries with customizable syntax highlighting and code completion.

SQL Reformatting: Reformat disordered SQL statements to improve readability.

Process Monitoring: Monitor and terminate client processes running on the database server.

Text Search: Find specific text within tables across all databases on a single server.

Table Optimization and Repair: Optimize and repair tables in a batch manner to improve database performance.

Parallel Command Line Access: Launch a parallel mysql.exe command line window using your current connection settings.

And More: HeidiSQL offers additional features and tools for managing and interacting with your databases.

Compatibility Notes:

HeidiSQL is compatible with Windows 8 and 10, and it can run on Windows 7 with minor issues.

Running HeidiSQL on newer Wine releases (for compatibility with Linux and macOS) may be unstable, and using Wine 4.0 is recommended to resolve various issues.

Connecting to TLS 1.2 enabled Microsoft SQL Servers requires an updated OLE DB Driver 18 for SQL Server to be installed.

Connecting to PostgreSQL databases may require having the Visual C++ Redistributable Package installed.

HeidiSQL is a versatile and user-friendly database management tool that offers a wide range of features for working with various database systems, making it a popular choice among database administrators and developers.

HeidiSQL - Changelog.

How to use HeidiSQL:

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use HeidiSQL:

1. Download and Install HeidiSQL:

  • Download the HeidiSQL installer.
  • Run the downloaded installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

2. Create a New Connection:

  • Open HeidiSQL.
  • Click on the "New" button in the bottom left corner.
  • In the "Settings" tab, provide your connection details:
  • Connection name: Choose a recognizable name for your connection.
  • Network type: Select "MySQL (TCP/IP)" for most MySQL databases.
  • Hostname/IP: Enter the address of the database server (usually your domain name or server IP).
  • Port: The default port for MySQL is 3306, but check with your hosting provider if unsure.
  • User: Enter your database username.
  • Password: Enter your database password.
  • Click the "Save" button.

3. Connect to the Database:

  • In the main HeidiSQL window, you'll see a list of your saved connections on the left-hand side.
  • Select the connection you just created.
  • Click the "Open" button, or press Enter.

4. Browse and Manage Databases:

  • Once connected, you'll see a list of available databases on the server in the main panel.
  • Click on a database to see its tables, views, stored procedures, and other objects.

5. Working with Tables:

  • Right-click on a table to view options like:
  • Select data: View and edit table data.
  • Structure: View and modify table structure (columns, data types, etc.).
  • Insert: Add new data to the table.
  • Empty: Remove all data from the table (be cautious!).
  • Double-click on a table to open it in the data grid view. Here you can:
  • Browse existing data entries.
  • Edit existing data by clicking on a cell and modifying the value.
  • Add new rows by clicking the "+" icon at the bottom.

6. Running SQL Queries:

  • Click on the "Query" tab.
  • Write your SQL queries in the editor. HeidiSQL offers code completion and syntax highlighting for easier writing.
  • Click the "Run" button (blue play icon) or press F9 to execute the query.
  • The results of the query will be displayed below the editor.

7. Additional Features:

  • HeidiSQL offers many other features like:
  • Importing and exporting databases.
  • Creating and managing database users.
  • Setting up database backups.
  • Visualizing table structures.

Learning Resources:

  • Explore the official HeidiSQL documentation for a more comprehensive guide.

Download HeidiSQL:

Install version:

For windows 32 and windows 64 bit - Size: 41.09 MB - Download

Portable version:

For windows 32 bit - Size: 17.79 MB - Download

For windows 64 bit - Size: 23.50 MB - Download