DefenderUI screenshot

DefenderUI is a free and open-source program that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for Microsoft Defender, the built-in antivirus and anti-malware solution on Windows 10 and 11. DefenderUI was created by the developers of VoodooShield, an adaptive zero trust security solution.

DefenderUI offers a number of features that are not available in the default Windows Defender interface, including:

  • Profile-based configuration: DefenderUI allows you to create different profiles for different tasks or environments. For example, you could create a profile for work that disables real-time protection and a profile for home that enables it.
  • Advanced settings: DefenderUI gives you access to a number of advanced settings that are not exposed in the default Windows Defender interface. This includes settings for scanning behavior, exclusions, and more.
  • ASR rules: ASR rules allow you to create custom rules for how Defender handles different types of files. This can be useful for bypassing Defender for certain files that you know are safe.
  • DefenderGuard: DefenderGuard is a new feature in DefenderUI that provides additional protection against ransomware and other threats.

DefenderUI is a powerful tool that can help you get the most out of Microsoft Defender. It is especially useful for advanced users who want more control over their security settings.

Here are some of the things that DefenderUI can do:

  • Configure real-time protection, cloud protection, and Windows firewall.
  • Exclude files and folders from scans.
  • Create custom ASR rules.
  • Enable DefenderGuard.
  • View logs and reports.
  • Manage Defender settings for different profiles.

DefenderUI is a safe and free program that can help you improve the security of your Windows PC. It is brought to you by the developers of VoodooShield, a leading Adaptive Zero Trust solution, so you can trust that DefenderUI is 100% clean and free.

If you are looking for a way to get more out of Microsoft Defender, then DefenderUI is a great option. It is a powerful tool that can help you improve your security posture and protect your PC from malware and other threats.

DefenderUI lets you choose between four profiles:

  • Recommended: This is the recommended security profile that provides enhanced protection by unlocking many of Microsoft Defender’s hidden security features that are not available in the factory default configuration. This security profile is recommended for most casual users.
  • Interactive: This security profile is more secure than the Recommended security profile and is designed to interact with the end user with assertive user prompts. This security profile is recommended for more advanced users.
  • Aggressive: This is the most aggressive security profile that provides advanced protection by unlocking most of Microsoft Defender’s hidden security features that are not available in the factory default configuration. This security profile is recommended for situations where security is critical.
  • Default: This is the default security configuration of Microsoft Defender and provides only basic antivirus protection. Selecting this profile will restore your Microsoft Defender settings to factory defaults.

How to use Custom Profiles:

To create a Custom Profile that you can apply to other computers, simply…

  1. Start by selecting either the Recommended, Interactive or Aggressive profile.
  2. Make any changes to DefenderUI’s settings, then click the Save Custom Profile button at the top of DefenderUI.
  3. This will give you a random code for the Custom Profile you just saved. If this is a Custom Profile you would like to apply to other computers, please make a note of the random profile code at the top of DefenderUI.
  4. Then whenever you want to apply your new Custom Profile to your current or other computers, simply enter the code that you noted in the text box at the top of DefenderUI, then click the Download Custom Profile button at the top. This will applyyour new Custom Profile.
Download DefenderUI:
Size: 3.71 MB

DefenderUI Free is usually just the right amount of protection for most home users.
But if you are serious about cybersecurity and locking down your business systems, you might try DefenderUI Pro.

Download DefenderUI Pro:
Size: 20.61 MB