It is essential to cool your computer. Why? Just because its different components like the graphics card, the processor, the hard drives heat up. Normal heating is safe, but overheating can lead to malfunctions (errors in calculations, bugs, unwanted restarts, etc ...), sometimes leading to deterioration of components. Different methods of cooling exist, we quote among others:
1 - Air cooling is the principle of cooling most used, it is simple to implement, sufficiently effective, economical and not dangerous. On the other hand, it is the least efficient compared to other processes.
We distinguish :
1.1 - Passive cooling is based on the principle of increasing the surface exposed to the air to allow heat dissipation a sort of radiator, no mechanical device is associated, hence the term "passive". This is the first method that has been used to cool micro processors including the pentium, however, with the evolution of microprocessors, other processes have been developed.
1.2 - The active cooling is the coupling of a mechanical ventilation system, fan with propellers, with the radiator thus forming a cooling block said "ventirad". This system has become a standard for microprocessor cooling. The introduction of the fan allowed a gain in efficiency but led to major defects, noise and dust accumulation.
2 - Watercooling consists of passing water in a so-called "waterblock" circuit which will then be placed on the components to be cooled, which allows the heat transfer between the water and the component. This method is more efficient than aircooling, in addition it has the advantage of being silent, however it is more complex and more dangerous.
The efficiency of a fan will depend on the following criteria:
Its diameter
Its rotation speed
Its design
And the effectiveness of a radiator of:
Her size
Materials used for its construction