Matsonic MS8137C Motherboard image
Matsonic MS8137C Motherboard

Matsonic MS8137C motherboard drivers, all in 1, onboard audio and VIA chipset, for windows xp, windows 98 and windows 2000...

The Matsonic MS8137C is a budget motherboard from the early 2000s. It is based on the VIA VT8366 Northbridge and VT8233 Southbridge chipsets, and it supports AMD Athlon and Duron processors with an AMD 462-pin Socket A. The motherboard also supports DDR266 SDRAM up to 2GB, a 4xAGP slot, and six USB ports.

Some of the key features of the Matsonic MS8137C include:

Support for 100/133 MHz frontside bus (FSB)

Accommodates AMD Athlon/Duron processors

VIA VT8366 Northbridge and VT8233 Southbridge chipsets

266MB/S bandwidth

Low 2.5-volt DDR266 SDRAM power consumption

4xAGP interface

ATA 100 interface

Six USB ports

AC 97 link for audio and modem

Hardware monitoring

ACPI/OnNow power management

The Matsonic MS8137C is a good option for a budget build, but it is not powerful enough for gaming or other demanding tasks. It is also likely no longer in production, so it may be difficult to find new. Drivers for the chipset and other components may also be difficult to find, especially for newer operating systems.

Overall, the Matsonic MS8137C is a decent budget motherboard from the early 2000s. It would have been suitable for basic tasks such as web browsing, email, and office work. However, it would not have been powerful enough for gaming or other demanding tasks.

Size: 7.96 MB

