Athan basic

Athan (Azan) basic allows you to hear automatic Athan (Azan) at the right time five times a day on every prayer time. Most Accurate Prayer times, Qiblah direction, Hijri Islamic Calendar, and many beautiful Athan (Azan, Adhan) sounds...

Automatic Athan (Azan) at every prayer time.
Prayer times for more than 6 Million cities.
Interface in Arabic, English, French, Russian, Chinese, German, Dutch, Italian, Bosnian, Turkish, Uzbek, Swedish, Indonesian, Albanian, and Spanish.
Hijri and Gregorian calendars.
Athan (Azan) from Makkah, Madina, and Alaqsa.
Dua after Athan.
Minutes Adjustment to make Prayer times 100% accurate according to local Masjid (Mosque).
Hijri date Adjustment according to user country.
Customized calculation methods.
Advanced options.
Special Islamic Days

Size: 8.60 MB
